Miracle Morning: the Revolutionary Method to Start your Days off right! (and Achieve Your Goals)

Master Gentleman
7 min readMar 10, 2022


In this article, I give you the most striking ideas from Hal Elrod’s book Miracle Morning on the phenomenon of getting up early!

Understand who is the author of Miracle Morning, Hal Elrod

Charismatic, Hal Elrod? Dietitian, philosopher? Simple entrepreneur or marketing man? Hal Elrod’s story works because we want to identify with his success story .

Average American who decides to focus on his job as a salesman, he was regularly the best salesman in his box .

Then one day, it’s an accident and he ends up half paralyzed. Then ruined. Then it bounces back and rebounds.

The author of “The Miracle Morning” encourages setting your alarm clock at 5:30 a.m. every day in order to “ dedicate a moment to the person we wish to become ”.

A method that is all the rage in the United States. Declared a paraplegic and ruined, this hyperactive and optimistic personal development coach has come a long way.

So inevitably, I want to follow a guy like that. I want to listen to his lessons of optimism!

Yes we can , everyone can cure their bad habits , everyone can become rich and achieve their goals : when you want you can, and when you want, you get up earlier to get there!

Examples and testimonials from readers are legion: The Miracle Morning, it works!

Three or four times the author presents cases of success: those who have lost weight, those who have become richer , those who have taken care of their marriage. Getting up early, a cure for all ills?

The 6 Life SAVERS of Miracle Morning

All good methods have a name. All the concepts that work and that mark us have a name.

Here, Hal Elrod couldn’t just call it The List of 6 Morning Habits to Improve Your Life . They tell us about life savers, gestures and habits that will save your life from mediocrity .

SAVERS: each letter represents a daily habit . And according to him, the biggest in this world (many big names in marketing and personal development are quoted in his book Miracle Morning).

  • S for Silence
  • A is for Affirmations
  • V for Visualization
  • E for Exercise
  • R for Reading, reading
  • S for Scribing, writing

Let’s quickly detail these 6 points, the six habits that will blow up your awakenings !

Miracle Morning and silence

Chasing away dark thoughts, refocusing on yourself, meditating: this is the starting point for a good awakening for Hal Elrod. These few moments of silence should allow you to start the day on the right foot!

The power of affirmations

I can do it, I will do it, I will become the best salesman, I will manage to talk to my boss about my raise, I will run this marathon in less than 4 hours etc…

All these phrases allow you to strengthen your mind. Say them out loud and in the present , they put you in a winning state of mind in the morning!

Visualization: planning is good, seeing where you are going is even better!

Visualization exercises are mentioned in all personal development books. Setting goals is one thing, but visualizing the finish is even more powerful.

The more you have a precise image of this end point, the easier it will be for you to reach it!

Morning exercise: the key to a tonic awakening?

What is interesting is that Miracle Morning tries to go around all the resources to be mobilized in the morning: our brain and our body!

Exercise in the morning, even walking, is a very good idea for him to start his day and wake up the whole body!

Coming home from work, people don’t have time to play sports or are too tired: let them do their sports in the morning, suggests Hal Elrod!

Reading in the morning, a real good idea?

One page, ten pages, an entire chapter? In order to develop our creativity, the author of Miracle Morning suggests that we read a little each morning , in order to reach a significant number of books read per year.

A good idea on paper. Personally, I behave like an addict: when I start a book, I find it hard to put it down before the end.

And then in the morning… I prefer to write while my brain is warm , I don’t like to be corrupted by reading, where I’m more passive. I like to save reading for the evening, when my brain is more sleepy!

Writing in the morning: a very good routine to adopt!

Probably what spoke to me the most: keeping a personal notebook, a diary in which you can note your progress, your desires, your doubts, your joys, etc.

It’s also a great way to measure your progress since you’ve been keeping this diary!

Hal Elrod suggests setting up this routine for 1 to 1.5 hours every morning … but for those in a hurry, he explains how to hold the 6 life savers in 6 minutes here ! (in English)

Getting up early: the real secret of The Miracle Morning?

All professionals, all ambitious people have one day asked themselves the question of optimizing sleep.

“Why should I sleep 8 hours when 6 might be enough?” »

And there we do the math, and we say to ourselves that we can save hours of work, days of life and more! We’ve all had times in life when we cut down on sleep hours to work harder before an exam, a competition or a big file to hand in.

For Hal Elrod, it’s all about discipline: the morning is the best time because there’s simply no one around to get you drunk and interrupt you .

In Miracle Morning , he develops the following thesis: the first hours of the day are the most important to be as productive as possible… and once you see everything you’ve done in the morning, you’re happy and you continue our momentum in the afternoon.

It is for me a very good book for new entrepreneurs or intrapreneurs who want to expand their scope at work.

For all the hardworking and creative folks who follow Medium posts carefully, you’ll find plenty of deja vu, and you’ll read Miracle Morning on the diagonal.

7 takeaways from Miracle Morning

  • 1. Provide rewards: when you reach your goals, think about having fun, giving yourself rewards, otherwise you won’t be able to stay motivated!
  • 2. “If you want a different life, you have to want to do something different first!” »
  • 3. To avoid mediocrity: what is your purpose in life? Why do you wake up in the morning?
  • 4. Beware of the mediocre circle of influence (you are the average of the 5 people closest to you, choose them well, gradually move away from the balls)
  • 5. The key to a good awakening: knowing how to go to bed with your morning intentions already clear (with your to-do list already ready!)
  • 6. Make the vision board of The Secret ( another great and very well marketed book on the law of attraction : what do you want, where do you want it? A vision board is a kind of board on which you stick pictures of your perfect life!)
  • 7. Find an accountability partner . If you only commit to changing and getting up early on your own, without anyone knowing about it, there is little chance that you will stick to your program over time…

Conclusion: my opinion on Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning

If you’ve ever read personal development books, you won’t learn next to NOTHING from the very good book The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.

I’m not spitting on it, quite the contrary: I think it’s an excellent summary of everything I’ve already read on the subject.

In Miracle Morning , Hal Elrod compiles the best of:

  • waking up and sleeping
  • Meditation
  • The sport

Not really productivity (even though that is the aim of the book for many readers).

I would say it’s more of a motivational book, basically. But despite everything, I recommend it if you have two and a half to three hours to invest.

I love Americans for their sense of storytelling. For their ability to meet challenges. They are competitors at heart and I have always liked that. Now it’s up to you to find your morning routines!

For my part, I put back on the agenda stretching and the glass of water that I sometimes forget in favor of coffee!

And you, any morning routines you have put in place? Have you read Miracle Morning? What did you think ?



Master Gentleman
Master Gentleman

Written by Master Gentleman

Articles on Relationships , Lifestyle and Personal Development: Techniques, tips, and advice to become a Master Gentleman. more on www.leakedmag.com

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