3 Techniques To Succeed In Your Threesome… Or More!

Master Gentleman
9 min readOct 23, 2021


Making love to several people is not easy . It’s already complicated to make love with two people, sometimes, so you might as well say that threesomes, foursome etc, it’s not very natural and some or some can get lost!

In this article, I will explain to you how to make love with others and to succeed in your threesome .

WHY ALWAYS ME? would you ask me …

I’ve written the threesome guide before, and since summer is coming, I know you want to experience group sex! (If you read the article in winter: making love in a group, sex with others is warm …)

In this article to make your threesome a success, I will not mention the flirting part , I will really be satisfied with the technical part of the thing, we will say!

Because yes, in the movies it always looks logical and natural, but in real life, having sex with others requires a little organization.

Make love to several: choose the third!

There are already so many cases to develop to find ONE partner, the possibilities and the puzzles are even more complicated to solve when you want to get into a threesome , so I’ll keep it simple.

We will take two cases:

  • The first case, you are in a relationship with your girlfriend or you are married and you are looking for a second daughter
  • The second scenario is one where you are single and propose a plan sex at a sex friend to experiment more the world of sexuality.

First scenario: a threesome with your wife or partner

In a Relationship, it is absolutely necessary to start by reassuring your partner, your darling: no, you are not going to leave her for this new woman.

Make her understand that you still love her as much, for who she is, for her personality, for the bond that there is between you and the projects you have together.

Then it is imperative that your usual partner understands that for you, there is a distinction to be made between sex and love.

Love is her, sex is her sometimes, often, almost all the time, with love, but sex can also be a kind of entertainment, or sport, a mystical experience.

A bit like going to see a movie or a play: a threesome is a moment of pleasure, it’s adult entertainment, sex without commitment with a third person (or even more in the context of of an orgy or group plan).

In this case, if your partner lacks self-confidence , it is absolutely necessary that you recruit a second woman who does not THREAT too much your partner, and who will not come to interfere too much in your relationship.

In French: you have to convince a girl less beautiful than your girlfriend to come and fuck with you two, then not to remember you.

(I’m exaggerating a bit: among my libertine friends there are beautiful and beautiful couples who have no problem sleeping with people more beautiful than them. It’s all a question of self-confidence. and confidence in the strength of his marriage ).

PS: I forgot… you will notice that I do not give much place to the moral in these councils to make love with several. I am neither god nor your mother, you do what you want with your ass, your mate too, and the third wheel of the tricycle too!

Second scenario: your regular sex plan is OK to try the adventure, to follow you to a swinger club , or for you to bring one of your usual mistresses to join you.

In this case, I would say that you can take less tweezers. If PQ1 has a fit of jealousy or PQ2 no longer wants to see you afterwards: it happens, that’s the game.

It may happen that some women have regrets after sex (this is usually when we do not communicate well before, and neglected after). Remain a gentleman in all circumstances!

One last point: I’ll give you the keys to a successful threesome with two women, because with two guys, it’s much easier … (from experience, the male ego is less fragile in the middle of melee)

Pop culture reminder for those who prefer threesomes with two guys: “It’s not gay, when it’s in a three way”

Rule number 2: threesome is better where?

At home ? In nature ? In a swingers club?

Threesome love in nature

If it’s for a crazy threesome, with a third partner you know a bit, you can bring the blanket, the giant picnic towel , and let’s go to nature!

But it can be complicated to have sex with others in nature without risking indecent assault.

“The sexual exhibition imposed in the sight of others in a place accessible to the public eye is punished by one year of imprisonment and a fine of 15,000 euros. I am not inventing anything, it is the Penal Code, in its article 222–32.

Make love to several at home or with others

Organizing a little party at home lightens you and calms you mentally: you don’t have the stress of the unknown place to deal with.

You play at home, you know where the ice cubes are, the champagne, the beds, the towels, the condoms, the playlist, the sound system, nothing can surprise you.

If you live in a big city, just watch out for the neighbors, an orgy can quickly get noisy …

This is by far my favorite choice in terms of security, because it also involves the choice of the casting: we do not invite just anyone to our home, we have already pre-selected our partners online or in real life if we invite swingers or other sexual partners.

Go to a libertine club to make love to several: the anonymity option

Swinging, mixing: you do what you want in a libertine club, nobody forces you, neither you, nor Madame.

The real advantage of the swinger club in my opinion is that the logistics are managed by the club. Everything is provided, for a price at the entrance. You will find clubs from the cheapest to the most refined, at all prices.

In terms of attendance, you will find all kinds of audiences in a swingers club:

  • Old beauties with their old beauties (or their young beauties)
  • Old fat people with young foreigners (most often paid …)
  • Lambda couples, the coolest I find, people who like group sex
  • Sports fans who really take care of their bodies and want to benefit the whole planet (thank you!)
  • The porn star apprentices who come to take experience and show themselves
  • Young people too, groups of friends who want to “see what a real orgy is like” (not the best partners to really have fun, they are too restrained and observant)

Making love to several in a libertine club is the opportunity to meet sometimes interesting, and for those who want to remain stealthy and incognito, the opportunity to invent a second name, a second identity for the night …

Rule number 3: leave no one behind

I almost gave you the motto of the American army “Leave no man behind”, we do not leave anyone alone on the battlefield, we do not abandon the wounded or the dead.

Recently, the best illustration of this abandonment during group sex is the beautiful model Aymeline Valade who bears the brunt in season 2 of the Ten Percent series .

Attention spoilers on the following sentence!

While Aymeline leaves with the new big boss of the ASK agency to get laid, the poisonous Andrea Martel joins the two of them. Passion and ardor make Hicham and Andrea completely forget the beautiful Aymeline, and the threesome turns into a simple fuck between the boss and his employee.

It has happened before, and it will happen again: during a group plan, there is always one who receives less, who feels abandoned.

I remember an evening with a friend coach in seduction that I will not name and three girls: it was starting to be a mess, there was one who was struggling to find her place, while the other two had it. air of kiffer.

Suddenly she left the room, and the other two began to feel guilty : in terms of logistics, we should have included more …

So that everyone benefits from the sexual energy in the room, alternate, change, propose, offer: we are there to live an experience together, the egoists do not last in the middle!

You can be two with your partner on the third girl. You can imagine any kind of triangle. The third can take care of one hole and you can take care of another.

I’m not going to give you an anatomy lesson but with a cock, two hands and a mouth, you should be able to do “stuff” …

It almost makes me want to write you an article “the best positions for a threesome”, that… (when I have time).

Imagination on your part, creativity, and most importantly, don’t forget to encourage the two or more ladies to tangle: you don’t have to be the conductor, they can also take initiative.

Even if I have to admit that it is easier when I take care of everything “do this, touch her there, sit there, turn around, stroke her there etc …” , I have no worry about letting go of the reins either if they know what they are doing.

As usual, it’s a matter of psychology and communication. You will find girls who are very good submissives, and who love to be directed, and others who prefer to take things in hand (or in the mouth, it depends, you know …).

Making love with others: 3 ways to start the fire

Whether in a club or at home, there comes a time when couples will want to take action, when the bodies are hot!

It’s your role as a dominant male, and a confident man to take matters into your own hands.

It is hard to imagine a discussion on the last Pedro Almodovar, the presidential election or the melting of the glaciers and suddenly: “Enough are we going to fuck?” “ .

A little education, a little levity, there are many other ways to raise the sexual tension … I give you the three techniques that I most often used to light the fire.

1. Start a threesome with a four-hand massage

A massage is already very pleasant. A four-hand massage is even more pleasant, even unstoppable.

You obviously have massage oil, your sheets are clean, everything is ready to welcome the third person or couples.

Success rate 100% when the kisses replace the hands and the massée turns around to become active too.

2. Who kisses the best between me and my girlfriend?

To try for those who are in a relationship, and who have invited a third person. Usually, it is always the women who launch the assault, it is they who give the permission.

Your wife is going to kiss the girl, then you are going to kiss the girl, then you are going to kiss your wife, and let’s go …

Pulling the straw

Last technique to start a threesome or sex with others: the short straw!

Prepare matches for the girls, matches for the guys, different sizes, and each goes with the person who is the same match size as them.

That’s really if everyone is open: there are evenings where you are not attracted to certain participants, and this is valid for women too.

PS: I do not talk about it too much, but compulsory condom when planning several. You never really know your partners, even if you think you know everything about them. Which brings me to the last point …

Make love to others with escort girls

If your regular partner is bi-curious , you can also use an escort girl, but you never know where she hung out …

But basically, no more than an average girl met in a bar or a work colleague. Hence the need to protect yourself at all times! Pleasure to many yes, STIs or AIDS, well no …

If you want to be delirious like Dan Bilzerian or Donald Trump, it’s the same, anything is possible and can be bought, but as the “ Real Men Don’t Buy Girls ” campaign said .

And then from one flirty to another, between us: it’s so much more powerful and mentally satisfying to succeed in a threesome without paid sex, just with two women who want to have sex and who want to cum with you and share this moment with you.



Master Gentleman
Master Gentleman

Written by Master Gentleman

Articles on Relationships , Lifestyle and Personal Development: Techniques, tips, and advice to become a Master Gentleman. more on www.leakedmag.com

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