How to seduce in the supermarket?

Master Gentleman
7 min readJan 8, 2022


Do you want to learn to seduce at the supermarket because you have your daily habits there?

Whether you are stuck in confinement, busy with your work or have spotted a pretty woman in your neighborhood, flirting at the local supermarket can allow you to make great encounters.

Find out how to flirt at the supermarket and 3 openers to use immediately!

Why do you have to flirt at the supermarket?

With the health crisis, supermarkets have become for a few months the only physical places where you can meet people.

They are a good alternative if you have few matches on Tinder and dating sites !

Some brands have even seized the opportunity, which offered baskets for singles to promote reconciliation!

Yet even without these baskets you can socialize at the supermarket all year round. Flirting at the supermarket has many advantages.

First, it makes it easier for you to know who you are dealing with .

Indeed, you can learn more about the life of the woman you covet by looking at her shopping cart or her basket.

Four blue cords, jars of compote and candy? You are facing a young mother.

Chia seeds, organic coconut oil and vegetable steak? You are in front of a woman interested in ecology and well-being.

Shaving foam, beers, masculine scent ? It is already taken, go your way.

The time you meet this woman also gives you clues.

If you do your shopping on Sunday mornings or on weekdays around 4 or 5 p.m., you are more likely to meet new mothers.

Conversely, you will be more likely to meet young active people between 6 and 8 pm, and later students who come to buy alcohol.

Second, in the supermarket, the competition is less fierce.

When you meet a pretty woman in a bar or nightclub, approaching may seem easier to you because the context lends itself to meeting.

But in reality, standing out is much more difficult when you are in these places. Your target has surely already been approached several times by the time you go to see it.

Even if your approach is good, you risk being “ still a guy ” approaching it. The negative assumption does not work in your favor.

In addition, in clubs and bars, your target is often surrounded by his friends.

You have her friends who are jealous of her being approached more often than they are. You have her mate, who remains her friend in the hopes of one day being able to sleep with her .

On the contrary, the girls are alone most of the time. The way is therefore clear to seduce in the supermarket, with elegance!

Finally, when you approach a woman in the supermarket, they feel less in danger than in the street.

Indeed, when you approach women in the street, they often ask themselves these questions:

  • Why is he coming to talk to me?
  • Will he talk to me for long?
  • Is it dangerous ?

In a supermarket, the setting is more reassuring.

There is often a member of security at the entrance to the store if there is a problem, and there are other shoppers around you. They know they are not risking anything.

How to flirt at the supermarket? 3 tips to seduce at the supermarket

1 / Choose your time to flirt at the supermarket

Put the odds in your favor by choosing the best time to seduce women in the supermarket.

Try to go there mainly on Saturday afternoons and weekdays between 6 and 8 p.m. This is the hour when you will find the most young working women, single mothers and college students.

Avoid going there when it opens, unless you want to seduce retired women.

Watch out for rush hour, weekend mornings. If your store is busy, you will be hampered by shopping carts, yelling children and passing customers.

Your only chance is to start a conversation when you’re in the queue… but everyone will hear you.

2 / Dress properly, without overdoing it

How do you dress to meet women at the supermarket?

The answer is simple: stick with your usual style. You don’t have to show you’re there to meet people. Your encounters happen “by chance” when you wanted to do your shopping.

The looks that will go best are the ones you have on a daily basis.

During the week, you can have the “ out of office ” look: you are in a suit around 7 pm because you are leaving work. Slightly undo your shirt and loosen your tie to look more relaxed, and it will do the trick.

You can also keep your look casual. Go in a t-shirt or shirt with jeans, it will do the trick.

There is still one question you can ask yourself: can you seduce at the supermarket with your Sunday outfit, jogging, basketball and soccer t-shirt?

The answer is yes. As long as your clothes aren’t too worn out or dirty, you can be successful in seducing at the supermarket.

It’s up to you to take advantage of it by playing on your inner game , by showing your self-mockery:

If I had known that I would meet a girl like you, I might have chosen another pair of pants!

3 / Suggest to continue with another activity

The advantage of flirting at the supermarket is that the girl works or lives right next to you.

It is therefore practical to suggest that they go for a drink in the neighborhood, or to plan activities.

Think about something you can do after shopping. You can suggest that they go and try a café that has just opened or try a restaurant that you particularly like.

It is even easier if you are involved in an association, because you have a good reason to see it again to show it your project.

Offer to join you during a group activity, you can then go on a one-to-one meeting.

3 examples of supermarket openers

Use these 3 openers to approach the women at the supermarket!

1 / Get the wrong cart

This technique is simple. Instead of leaving with your cart, look distracted and take her cart to her.

This will make it easy for you to make first contact, especially if you are afraid of the rake when approaching a woman . She is the one who will come and talk to you to tell you that you made a mistake.

Acknowledge your mistake with humor, and move on to the contents of his cart, on a product that you both take …

Oh, indeed it’s not mine! The spinach should have pissed me off, I can’t stand that. How do you manage to eat it?

2 / Ask for advice or information

After looking at the contents of her shopping cart or basket, you can ask her a question about what she consumes or ask her for advice on making your choice.

It will work particularly well with vegetarian women, vegan or followers of organic products.

In this case, ask him which vegetable steak is better than the other, which product seems to him the least harmful to nature. She will be delighted to make you consume better!

Hello! You seem to know yourself in organic products so maybe you can help me. I like to snack in the evening, but I can’t make up my mind… Do you know which cakes are the least dangerous for your health?

My advice: I like to play it crazy flirtatious in the supermarket.

In the champagne department (or Perrier, or Coke), ask the girl you meet:

“Hi, it’s crazy, I can’t find the caviar in this store… You who carry Coke / Perrier / champagne, you must know where it is!”

And let’s go for an absurd and funny conversation, which often makes no sense, and which will make the girl laugh.

3 / Offer him help

It is the most classic opener to approach a woman in the supermarket.

If you see that your target is tiptoeing or reaching out to grab a product from a height, grab it for them and start the conversation like that.

Here. It’s easier when you have a big one with you! You seem ready to do anything to grab that packet of candy. Are they that good?

If she’s just looking at the shelf, you can just offer to help. It’s up to you to be effective on the sequence if she declines your help.

“Do you need help getting the coffee up there?”

“No, but thank you anyway!”

“You don’t know what you’re missing! It’s one of the best coffee they sell here. Unless you don’t drink it? ”

Bonus: Pick up a cashier or store staff

To seduce the women who work in the store, play your move in several stages.

You don’t have to be like in the intermarket ad, with the young man buying more and more vegetables to please the cashier. Just make sure you don’t have a creepy basket , only having alcohol when you come for example .

Before you take your chance, try checking out with her and starting some conversations.

Try to sound like a nice customer first, before showing your interest . You can throw a valve or ask classic questions like asking if it’s often crowded at this hour.

After a few passages she will surely remember you. You will then have to assume your approach of seduction and offer to see it, if possible with humor.

It would be nice if we could see each other somewhere other than your job, it would be a shame to keep the other customers waiting!

And you, what is your opener to approach in the supermarket?



Master Gentleman
Master Gentleman

Written by Master Gentleman

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