How to be a Gentleman with women in 2022?

Master Gentleman
4 min readMar 10, 2022


How to be a Gentleman with women?

Have you ever read a book of manners? Do you know what makes a gentleman?

Protect the widow and the orphan? Fighting in foreign lands and having fun at the castle while making a good impression at court? Respecting the habits and customs of a certain elite, that was what the gentlemen of the time were .

The definition has gradually evolved, and I can only recommend that you read Alain Corbin ‘s “History of Manhood” . Firefighter, worker, executive, student, peasant, heartbreaker or prince charming, here are some rules to follow to conquer the girl you like and not pass for the redneck on duty.

In 2022, girls will marvel at your gentlemanly qualities.

Have the look of a gentleman

Not easy to define. Who is the most gentleman? The guy in a suit who works in banking or finance? The guy in streetwear who works in an ad agency? My buddy in overalls repainting an old woman’s house or the nurse in a smock?

Without claiming to be an expert in men’s fashion, I think that the notion of gentleman applies above all to character, to behavior. What matters is not your outfit. Attitude and looks reveal the gentleman in you.

Act like a gentleman

The gentleman can therefore be recognized by his behavior. With baby cats, on the internet, in a supermarket, in a taxi or by refraining from yelling at postal workers. The seductive gentleman keeps his cool and his smile , in all circumstances.

He doesn’t park in handicapped spaces, lets old women pass with an article from the supermarket, and puts his vicious gaze away when a woman is breastfeeding her child. A little rebellious, he holds the door to those who cheat on public transport.

The tastes of the gentleman? We do not care ! Whether you read Inrocks, Télérama, Technikart, SoFoot or the New Detective , it’s your choice. Whether you listen to hip-hop or classic operas in your Ipod does not change your value. Trying, pretending to love museums when you prefer street art will get you nowhere. The gentleman lives his life without worrying too much about what people will say.

Gallantry in 2022

In 2022, the gentleman decided to answer all texts and emails. Don’t leave them with any illusions: if you take his number, do something about it. They’re used to poor guys who take their numbers out of politeness but never do anything with them. Don’t be that guy.

Be transparent, rather than manipulating the girls. If you only want her body, tell her, it wouldn’t be the first time she embarked on a one-night stand. Have the courage of your desires, a gentleman does not need to lie.

And we keep good habits: we do not shout from the rooftops the list of our conquests. Not very respectful for girls, it gives the unhealthy impression that you lack real goals in your life. “Dont’ kiss and tell” as our Anglo-Saxon friends say.

Moreover, a modern gentleman knows how to take a refusal, a rejection.

You have just taken a rake, a wind, what am I saying, a tornado? No, it is not necessary to treat the lady of peripatetician. Let yourself be tempted by the advice of the Unknowns: “I’m leaving like a prince”. Taking the rake without flinching or going mad is the true nature of the Force… Yes, the Force…

The gentleman and the other men

The 2022 gentleman is socially integrated. You, readers, know it more than anyone: the weight of social proof is a significant element in your seducer’s arsenal.
You meet your friends at school, at the office, for sports or to go out.

You reassure the girls by showing them your normality: “I am socially accepted, I have group activities, I am not a serial killer on the run” .

The other men are not necessarily friendly. You will have to manage obstacles , neutralize rivals who covet the same beauty as you. In 2022, the gentleman continues to paralyze the AMOGS with class and distinction.

Warning ! Let’s make a clear distinction between AMOG and the aggressor, who comes violently to attack you or your bride. This one, no consideration if diplomacy does not produce results. A gentleman does not allow himself to be stepped on. Never. It’s a question of limits that should not be crossed.

The gentleman 2.0

And because you spend a substantial part of your lives on the Net, you might as well know some basic rules.

The gentleman 2.0 doesn’t add a girl he doesn’t know, like a fisherman casting his nets with his eyes closed. The law of large numbers in seduction is really nothing sexy, and can be completely counterproductive.

As you know, some recommend approaching all the girls who pass to overcome shyness. As if taking serial rakes had already made anyone better. It’s the same on Facebook, don’t approach Swedish women at random (Eros will one day tell you about his very advanced techniques for seducing strangers on Facebook).

The advantage of the “new” Facebook and is the possibility of commenting on statuses, photos or videos that our friends have just commented on. Very practical for meeting friends of your friends…

Last advice to the younger generation, to the stars of tomorrow: a gentleman does not post any photos of himself shirtless in front of a mirror, and does not share sexts or photos of his scantily clad ex. You can find other ways to stand out.

Not so easy to be a gentleman in 2022… In your opinion, what does it mean to be a gentleman today? How do we recognize it?

Gentlemen, see you soon on for new advices.



Master Gentleman
Master Gentleman

Written by Master Gentleman

Articles on Relationships , Lifestyle and Personal Development: Techniques, tips, and advice to become a Master Gentleman. more on

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