BUCKET LIST: The 100 Experiences To Live At Least Once Before You Die
Life is too short not to make the most of it!
Today, we are talking to you about the bucket list, a list of things to do at least once in your life , to spice it up a little, to take full eyes and to impress the girls, of course !
A bucket list? What’s this ?
A bucket list is a list of dreams , or projects, in short, of things to do during our life.
The bucket list has been trending since the film Without further ado , released in 2007.
In this movie, Professor Carter Chambers and multimillionaire Edward Cole meet in the same hospital room.
For each of them, the verdict is in: they only have 6 months to live, maybe a year.
Despite their apparent differences, they will discover one thing in common: they no longer want to have any regrets and want to experience everything they have always dreamed of experiencing.
Here is a brief reminder of the scheme of life and our resources:
- Young people have the time and energy, but not the money, to live their dreams. He writes his bucket list but does not cross out anything above, for lack of sufficient financial means.
- The forty-something has the money and the energy (yes, still a little). But his job takes him a long time and he usually has a wife and children … so “no time” to live his dreams and attack his bucket list!
- Finally, the senior usually has the time and the money … but not sure if he can withstand a bungee jump!
If you stick to this diagram, you will never achieve your dreams and never cross the lines of your bucket list!
But this is not inevitable.
Download the FREE Guide: The bucket list prohibited for under 18s!
In order not to have any regrets, you must accomplish everything you ever dreamed of doing . All you need to do is organize — and stop procrastinating .
Do you dream of a trip to Canada? Save money . To do this, refuse to take one more beer during a party and put the money that this beer would have cost you in a “special Canada” envelope.
If you are a student, take a week’s vacation to devote yourself to one of the dreams on your bucket list. If you are an employee, take a week!
The most important thing is to put yourself in good condition. It is often said that we will not be buried with our money : it is true.
What is the use of earning money (sometimes by the sweat of our brow) if not to profit from it afterwards?
If it’s okay with you to eat bolo pasta, rice, mash, canned vegetables every night (call me Madame Clichés), that’s your right.
But it doesn’t help to impress the girls !
Take charge of your life so you don’t have any regrets.
Starting tomorrow, start saving for that trip to Canada (or Japan, India, England, or that bungee jump, that gourmet restaurant, that car), looking at plane tickets, planning places that you would like to visit.
The more you want it, the more you will make it happen!
How do you make a bucket list?
You sit down, quietly, a sheet of paper, a pen in your hand. And you think about it.
You can start with the places you would like to visit . First write the country, city, place or event you would like to attend.
Next, think about the activities you would like to do . Do you like intense sensations ? So it’s circuit driving or parachute jumping. Do you like the sea? Scuba diving, kyte-surfing or water skiing are for you. Are you a calm person? Why not a spa?
Do you want to discover a different and original gastronomy ? Choose a country (off the cuff, yes) and find out about the specialties it offers and where you could discover them near you (or go directly to soak up the culture by going there!)
In fact, all you have to do is ask yourself the right questions.
But we advise you to think about it anyway, because women love it when men have goals in the life (it makes you stable and reliable, gentlemen!)
You are ready ?
The ultimate 100 things to do before you die bucket list
- Make diving
- Parachute jump
- Find yourself alone with yourself, for a few days, in a chalet or a country house
- Piss off your boss during a salary renegotiation
- See the Taj Mahal
- Watch a New Year’s Eve fireworks display in Sydney, Singapore or San Francisco.
- Sailing
- Eat insects, alive or dead
- Eat in a restaurant “in the dark”
- Learn a new language (handy for flirting with girls from all countries!)
- Climb Kilimanjaro
- See an aurora borealis
- Do archery or pistol shooting
- Swim with turtles or dolphins
- Proposing someone in marriage for real
- Go to the Rio carnival …
- … and Venice
- Go play at the Casino (and in Vegas, it’s classier)
- Go on an eco-responsible safari without pissing off the animals
- Find yourself under the cherry blossoms of Japan as they bloom
- Immerse yourself in other cultures (by living with locals …)
- Go motocross, quad or karting (or bobsleigh, ok …)
- Spend more time with your family
- Ditch everything overnight and rebuild your life
- Build (or better still, build yourself) your own house
- Go shopping and spend a lot, for the pleasure of the fire, once in your life
- Take a road trip in the States
- Learn to play a musical instrument (or several)
- Take a driving course in a very powerful car (there are inexpensive Smartbox or Wonderbox packs)
- Sleep under the stars
- Walking on the Great Wall of China
- Learn to dance (we let you choose which dance!)
- Take a helicopter flight over the countryside at home or NYC
- Spend a night in an overpriced hotel room
- Volunteer and give your time, your presence and smiles to those most in need
- Increase your general knowledge by reading more newspapers, reading books
- Create your business to become financially independent
- Take a bike tour of France
- Sleep in a castle and meet ghosts
- Acting in a movie (even as an extra) (and saying you met George Clooney) (though that’s not true)
- Do a bungee jump
- Take a hot air balloon flight
- Swim with sharks
- Go surfing in Hawaii
- Buy a motorhome and hit the roads
- Join a wedding and dance with the bride
- Pilot a plane
- Getting to Niagara Falls
- … and at the Grand Canyon
- See the pyramids of Egypt (halfway on your bucket list, it’s fair play)
- Take a midnight swim in the sea
- Sleep in a tree house
- Visit all the major cities of the same country, the whole of Europe or all the capitals of the American federal states.
- Make a sleepless night and watch the sunrise
- Take a dog sled ride
- Participate in a Color Run or a Love Run (or all the marathons in the world and the Iron Man)
- Get a tattoo (obviously!) Or a piercing to express your rebellion
- Backpacking in the country of your choice
- Have your name in a journal
- Do a thalasso during a romantic weekend
- Cooking for someone who needs it
- Sort through all your belongings and donate what you no longer use to associations
- Stop chasing money and enjoy what you have
- Read books on personal development
- Leave your seat to someone who needs it on the bus or metro
- Pick up a hitchhiker (or a hitchhiker, little rascal, I see you)
- Try virtual reality dating or porn
- virtual reality sport
- Suggest to someone you know to look after their children so that he or she breathes a little
- Activate for a cause that is dear to you (defense of animals, human rights, protection of the oceans)
- Take a friend who has just been dumped to the movies
- Host a party at your house, even if there isn’t much room
- Adopt an animal from a shelter
- Learn to draw or paint
- Donate to charity
- Buy a punchingball for the days when you drool over it
- Take a detox cure
- Sleeping in an igloo
- Visit each of the continents
- Take part in a race like the Raid 4L Trophy
- See the first 100 films of the top 250 of IMDb, or all the films of Woody Allen, or all the films to flirt !
- Take a month to read the Memoirs of Casanova
- Get coaching in all areas: sports coaching, coaching for better public speaking, hair coaching, makeover with experts, voice coaching, organizational coaching for work: you can always improve
- Create your sect (OK, it’s complicated, forbidden and dangerous, but we leave you free to make your own choices)
- You put boxes and too much booze all the alcohol in the world, to build a personal taste database!
- Become an expert at something, even something very weird or very unknown! We love enthusiasts!
- Meet the personalities who have marked you by all means (without becoming a dangerous stalker!)
- Grow and complete your collection of (… complete with the collection that touches you)
- Having children and passing on the values you hold dear, helping them write their bucket list, and empowering them to be independent.
- Learn to differentiate between a Bordeaux and a Burgundy and train yourself during tasting with sommeliers
- Have a green thumb and grow your own vegetable garden
- Donate blood alone or as a couple
- Do violence to yourself, put your buttocks on a chair for 3 months or a year and write your novel
- Forgive everyone who hurt you and move on
- Declare your love for your partner by writing her a love letter
- Learn a bit of a crazy science (tarology, astrology, numerology, etc.)
- Go back to your childhood home or neighborhood to see how much has changed
- Write your bucket-list and send it to you in 10 years (a bit like Back to the Future) to see if your desires have changed and if you have crossed out lines on your bucket list
- Fall in love and let yourself be surprised by the whirlwind of life
- Upload your own covers of your favorite songs to Youtube or join the local choir or your business
- Passing away without regret, having the joy of having lived to the fullest, without concessions, and not being too sad for those few lines that remained to be crossed out on your bucket list!
Hope you have fun with this bucket list