9 Signs That Your Girlfriend Is Cheating On You
A married life is not always a long calm river, far from it. And if the passion is necessarily present at the beginning of the relationship, the latter can quickly be led to disappear, in favor of routine, boredom and the multiplication of conflicts.
A deteriorated climate, if it is not dissected, discussed, put on the table, can quickly take on importance and mark a real break, a desire to withdraw into oneself, without necessarily admitting it or directly wanting to tell his other half about it.
At this stage, cheating can for some people turn out to be a way to escape, to allow themselves to take a breath of fresh air, although this excuse is not always put forward. We will indeed advocate a state of weakness, an excessive blood alcohol level, meeting an ex… to justify a destructive decision, often coupled with lies and manipulation.
Suspecting the infidelity of one’s girlfriend is therefore a serious , striking thing. To be frank, it drives me crazy. Every excuse, every absence, every ignored phone call arouses doubt, reflection, suspicion. Impossible to flourish in these conditions. And then nothing tells you that your girlfriend would tell you the truth, if indeed, she had a lover.
The article of the day will try to bring help, some answers to those who would like to know if their girlfriend is unfaithful. Bringing this proof can indeed help to move on, see in some cases, allow you to obtain material damages, especially in the case of divorce.
Without further ado, let’s take a look at our investigation and together try to shed light on the signs that prove that your girlfriend (or your wife) is cheating on you.
1. You are no longer at the center of the exchange
“A couple lives together”. The affirmation has never sounded so false as when it comes to evolving alongside a woman who cheats on you. One of the first signs of an extinguished, destroyed relationship is obviously the absence of interactions.
Your girlfriend ignores you, no longer includes you in her plans, her outings. Short.
She communicates as little as possible and is evasive on any question calling into question her personal involvement. Of course, this is not necessarily proof that you are being cheated on… but it is already the sign of a certain estrangement.
2. Your girlfriend seems to be holding back relationships with family and friends.
Adultery is something very heavy to bear. It is therefore conceivable that an unfaithful person wants to limit outings and meetings in the context of his life as a couple. The ability to play a double game is not given to everyone, fortunately.
Plus, it’s obvious that moving alongside your loved ones will remind your girlfriend of the depth and scope of her disloyalty. If she starts coming up with recurring excuses not to go with you… you may start to get suspicious. She’s probably cheating on you already .
3. Your girlfriend takes more and more care of herself
As you know, the desire to seduce , to please, always leads to making personal efforts, especially on one’s physique. It is then recognized that a person in a brand new romantic relationship will tend to spend more time in the bathroom, getting ready and choosing outfits that emphasize this desire to be noticed.
If your girlfriend goes from a “I don’t care” state to that of flirtatious, especially if it’s to go out without you, you can legitimately begin to doubt her good faith and her desire to rekindle the flame. of your couple.
4. Sex becomes casual
While it’s obvious that sex can decrease in frequency and intensity after a few years together, the repeated excuses and constant rejection from your girlfriend can also be a sign that she’s already found other ways to get along. be satisfied.
And then as you can imagine, having sex with you while she’s cheating on you would make the betrayal even more vivid, vicious in her eyes.
If your girlfriend seems genuinely trying to avoid physical contact, ask for an explanation. Too many hesitations or a tendency to instantaneous irritation can then put you on the alert.
5. Your girlfriend is starting to take a real interest in your schedule.
Your doubts about your girlfriend’s loyalty may also be rooted in her communication and habits. Any sudden change will then be the sign of an evolution, good or bad.
In the event that your girlfriend starts asking you many questions about your working hours, going out, the means of transport used and planning in general, even though her curiosity is not followed by material consequences (the fact of want to go with you, pick you up, or be available to spend time together), she may be looking to find windows of availability to see someone else.
The advice is then to answer in the wrong way, in order to see his reaction if you arrive too early. Will she be where she claims to be? Will she be alone? Discovery may hurt, but will let you know where you stand.
6. Your girlfriend becomes more secretive
If your girlfriend is flirting with another man, she’ll probably want to hear from him, even if you’re around. So ask yourself: is she isolating herself with her cell phone? Is she hiding to make her phone calls? Does she get enraged if she sees you watching her over her shoulder?
Normally (and even if everyone is different), it’s easy to imagine that a couple doesn’t have much to hide. It could certainly happen to your girlfriend to lend you her computer or her phone for X reasons.
So why change? Did she have something to hide? You be the judge, but this reflex is clearly one of the leads that could suggest that she has an inappropriate relationship with someone else.
7. Your girlfriend is getting pickier and pickier.
Here again, the link between the deterioration of the atmosphere and infidelity is not proven, in the sense that your behavior can also be responsible for the attitude of your girlfriend. On the other hand, this truth remains verifiable.
A person who cheats on his half tends to blame the other, to find all the faults in the world, if only to justify such an act, which is treason, violation of the trust granted .
It all really depends on your character, but if you notice that your sweetheart is on your back more than necessary, and without real justification… you could start asking yourself questions!
8. Mention of a new friend or colleague
If your girlfriend is cheating on you, the situation is much different at home than it is outside. In the comfort of your cottage, she will be alone to face you and therefore will not be able to rely on the support, the outside help of her lover to confront you and justify her disrespectful behavior.
She may then refer to it, in a roundabout way, to find the strength to look you in the eye. Does she keep talking about a new good friend she never mentioned before? A new co-worker?
Note here that the gender of the absent person is irrelevant. It is the notion of reference, of argument from authority that matters. Your girlfriend then seems to draw the strength to enter into contradiction by relying on the words of another person. A way to escape reality and not take responsibility for one’s actions? Certainly !
9. Lack of availability
Our last argument is undoubtedly one of the most obvious. If you don’t live with your girlfriend and she finds excuses not to see you anymore, to respond to your invitations or to spend time with you, it is undoubtedly that the couple is in danger.
It’s up to you to try to decipher its behavior. Does she seem more outward looking than usual? Does she make extraordinary efforts for her “friends”? Does she refuse to bend to your little habits? Did you argue harshly? Does she have any real justification for not being available to you? So many questions that you must sincerely ask yourself to understand the situation.
Very often, the truth is there, before our eyes, and we refuse to face it. If you suspect your girlfriend of cheating on you (and this article confirms your idea), it’s time to be frank. Why then not ask her clearly if she is seeing someone else? At least you will leave him a way out, a shortcut to appeasement.
In fact, I do not encourage you to dig into her business, follow her or ask her friends for explanations. A person who cheats on you will end up betraying himself. Instead, be the type to initiate dialogue and refuse violence. Taking the lead for a person capable of acting like that, it’s really not worth it!
Thank you for reading and I hope this article help you. Do not hesitate to leave me a comment to share your experiences.