7 techniques to control your anger and master your life today
That’s it … Once again you just ran your nerves on someone or something that didn’t deserve it …
Don’t you think that it would be better to control your anger, rather than let it explode on your family or on strangers?
To endure your anger, it is first of all harmful for you and for those around you, but it also prevents you from seducing in a healthy way …
So rather than behaving like haters who insult strangers on the internet, carefully read these 7 techniques to control your anger and apply them.
Why this article on anger?
I wrote this article in memory of all the uncontrolled anger, which broke couples, friendships, which cost us dearly.
Hope you can get your anger under control sooner than we do!
Why are you angry ?
You are probably angry for good and many reasons.
- Perhaps you are unsuccessful in sleeping with women and are a victim of “male sexual misery”.
- You then feel (unjustified) hatred towards the fairer sex.
- Your girlfriend has dumped or even cheated on you, and you are angry with her.
- Maybe you take yourself rake after rake and can’t even get a simple kiss …
- You find it unfair to be short, black, Arab, Asian, skinny, fat, red-haired, myopic, poor, disabled …
- Your job makes you hysterical and you hate your boss.
- Your father has abandoned you and your father who is raising you is very hard on you? (Oh no, that’s my story.
Whatever the reason for your anger, you should not fall victim to it and allow yourself to be swayed by it.
Don’t make this mistake. Be strong, and learn to control your anger.
Jack Canfield, a famous personal development coach, often talks about an interesting principle that I advise you to keep in mind.
Here is the principle: event + reaction = results.
Concretely, you cannot control the events which fall on you: it is beyond your reach.
This tree fell on the roof of my house during the storm 20 years ago: it’s the game.
The coronavirus which locked us up for 2 months: the same, we cannot control the event.
Water damage, getting fired like 300 of your colleagues, being cut off by a driver: the event is there, you have to accept it, you can’t help it.
However, you can control your reactions to these events. And it is precisely this detail that will influence the end result of your event (or situation), the source of your anger.
These 7 techniques for controlling your anger will help you improve your reactions.
Our goal: that you will never be like those dirty virgins from Incels, frustrated, rejected by women, and who decide to kill people for “revenge”.
A man can be controlled. A man can be controlled. And above all, a man does not accuse others.
It assumes its decisions. Behave like a man and control this anger that is rising in you.
One last point: never think that “it’s easier for others” . We all go through hardships.
But it’s up to you how to react to this anger you are feeling.
You have the power to grow out of it.
1 / Go for a jog or do combat sports
Running or participating in a combat sport is a great way to release your anger on a regular basis.
Basically, emotions are only meant to push you to survive through flight or combat.
When you are faced with a negative emotion (fear, stress or anger) and you have no opportunity to run or fight (literally) to escape it, your body does not release that emotion.
And this inhibition of your emotions is a source of illnesses and pathologies.
The neurobiologist Henri Laborit explains it very well in his books Inhibition of action and the Clock of flight .
So try to go for a run or boxing regularly to vent your anger frequently.
The little bonus is that in addition to calming you down, practicing combat sports increases your testosterone !
This is a double reason for pushing yourself into combat sports.
2 / Write about your feelings
Do you know the diaries?
Do you think it’s only for young teenagers?
Think again.
Writing can be really helpful if you want to control your anger.
Because yes, writing allows you to both put words on your feelings, but also to expel them by writing them.
It’s like when you want to sleep but are bombarded with thoughts.
The most effective way to stop the flow of thoughts in your head is to simply write your thoughts down on a piece of paper.
For your anger it works exactly the same.
So when you’re angry, grab a paper and a pen (a computer works too), and let go of the paper!
You can even insult your leaf if it makes you feel good.
3 / Test the Fury Rooms
Do you remember the scenes of Pascal the big brother where a little virulent teenagers break bricks with hammers to externalize their hatred?
Well, the Fury Rooms are pretty much the same principle.
You’re put in a room full of objects with a baseball bat in your hand and a protective mask over your face, and for $ 20 you can smash everything.
In addition to being useful for controlling your anger, it’s fun!
And don’t worry if you’re pro environmental. The objects present in the Fury Rooms are then recycled or were originally intended for the recycling center.
4 / Relax and breathe
The problem with the previous techniques is that you can’t use them all the time of your day.
While this fourth technique, yes!
When you feel the anger rising in you or when it is already there, relax and breathe.
This trick will not allow you to completely vent your anger, but it will allow you to limit the damage, until you can vent it with the other techniques.
Breathing calmly can also be a big help in getting comfortable around girls .
I also let you check out this article on the best relaxation and meditation apps .
5 / Use your anger to move forward and progress
Anger is a tremendous force to move forward and do amazing things.
It is a really powerful source of energy but one that you have to use in the right way.
Most people will waste the energy created by their anger insulting other people when they could have used it for development …
Don’t make this mistake. If you want to, think about the person (or entity) making you angry, and work hard to make them jealous.
Your mission is to surprise her.
If, for example, you are mad at your ex for leaving you, work like crazy to achieve your goals.
When you meet your ex, she will see with her own eyes that you have totally changed… for the better!
Anger is a powerful engine for success.
If you’ve seen The Last Dance , the Michael Jordan documentary, you know what I’m talking about (the Pistons, or Clyde Drexler: everyone who pissed off MJ bit their fingers).
6 / Relativize the events
Is your situation really serious?
Is it bad enough that you waste a significant amount of your time, energy, and good humor?
Either way, you need to learn to put what is happening to you in perspective.
Your situation is causing you pain, but you must also be aware of how lucky you are.
Some people have much bigger reasons to be angry than you do.
People who are seriously ill, who have lost limbs, those who are on the street …
All of these people are in intense pain.
And yet, it is often these people who have the most joy in life …
So put it into perspective.
7 / it’s your fault
The hardest technique to practice, yet the most effective in controlling your anger, is telling yourself it’s all your fault.
Be careful, I am not asking you to victimize and flog yourself.
I am simply asking you to assume your responsibilities.
Can’t seduce women ? It’s your fault.
Has your girlfriend left you? It’s your fault.
Even if some events are totally unfair and you don’t deserve them, tell yourself it’s your fault.
From today on, always tell yourself that everything that happens to you is your fault.
By doing this, you will be in a process of action and you will find solutions to your problems.
No time for anger: focus on your dreams!