14 seduction tips to not be alone on Valentine’s Day
Being alone on Valentine’s Day is not a drama , of course.
But the Valentine’s Day is everywhere: in all the windows, in all the TV news, in all the magazines and on Instagram.
You have exactly one month to find a girlfriend for Valentine’s Day.
We help you take up the challenge if you dread spending Valentine’s Day alone!
#1 Get out!
If Amazon delivery works well, if Deliveroo and UberEats are also a hit, girlfriend delivery has not yet been invented.
(And no, prostitution, escort girls , dolls , and G FEs don’t count as girlfriends).
We saw it recently in an article on meeting places : women meet outside!
This is where you have the best chance of creating the spark!
#2 Tidy up at home
I know I’m going a little fast, but if you bring a woman home, is it clean? Does it smell fresh?
A cleaning shot usually helps to put in a sexy and seductive atmosphere . Broom, sponge, swifer: get to work!
In your head, everything must be clean.
Let logistics not be a concern if a girl ever falls for you and you bring her home immediately!
#3 Make your “5 list”
A topic of conversation that will always be useful for you to flirt with, and to draw the attention of an entire group to you.
This concept of the list of 5 is taken from episode 5 of season 3 of Friends: the “freebie list”.
The list of 5 is the list of 5 celebrities with whom you have the right to sleep , without it being considered “cheating”.
For example: if you are in a relationship (it will come), and you meet Jessica Alba, Emma Stone, Gal Gadot, Nathalie Portman or Charlize Theron, and you sleep with them, your girlfriend is not allowed to type scandal.
My advice: for more fun, also prepare your list of 5… men!
(Usually when I present my gay list, there are Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Ryan Gosling, Justin Bieber and Ed Sheeran, it opens the door to some fun conversations).
#4 Find yourself a perfume
If you are over 17–18 years old and you no longer live with your parents, it is time to stop the Brut de Fabergé, the Ax, the Scorpio.
Invest 60–70 dollars in perfume that smells a little more of luxury and the desire to win.
The lady from Sephora or Marionnaud will be able to guide you in choosing a masculine fragrance .
#5 Prepare your conversation topics
The freebie list is my funny subject: use it as much as you want!
And I also encourage you to prepare all the other topics of conversation. The idea is not to run out of topics.
And think about it a little before, it can help beginners and the most stressed among you not to be alone for Valentine’s Day.
#6 Prepare your fun conversation topics
Of course, there are serious topics of conversation… But I encourage you to focus on fun topics of conversation!
Food, sports, friendships, loves, entertainment, art, animals, games, alcohol: in short, everything that makes you happy!
Learn to talk about it!
To be able to talk and entertain women, you have to cultivate yourself on these subjects! Come on, set aside 30 minutes a day to learn how to speak better!
It’s the price to pay to find a girlfriend and not be alone for Valentine’s Day!
#7 Approach, approach, approach!
And when you’re fed up: board again!
I know that’s the part that terrifies you the most: taking the first step towards women.
And yet, if you don’t learn to approach in real life, in the supermarket, in transport, in the street, in parks, at the cinema, in sport: nothing will ever happen in your sentimental life…
#8 Create a profile on a dating app
Because dating sites are now the second most popular dating place .
Because it reassures women. Because it allows you to flirt warm, from home, without having to drink in a bar.
If you had a good date tonight, who knows… you might be in a relationship for Valentine’s Day, and you would n’t need a dating app on February 14 !
#9 What do women read?
What do we put in women’s heads? What do they believe? What talk do we hold to them all day long?
If you want to find a girlfriend quickly, it can be interesting to understand female psychology, to invest a few hours in reading women’s blogs, women’s magazines.
It hurts your head sometimes, but it shows that you are interested in everything on the first date…
#10 Laughter is life!
Work on your humor, redo the list of your favorite comedians: at the heart of the RDV Method, the method that I teach to seduce easily, there is the D for Entertaining.
A woman who is bored with you is already the end.
I’m not asking you to learn sketches by heart, but having one or two valves in troubleshooting, it can be useful!
#11 What are your projects?
We are still at the beginning of the year, we can still talk about good resolutions, even if we obviously do not take any.
We men prefer to form good habits. And we don’t need January 1 to take control of our lives.
As a leader, leader, future head of the family, how do you show women that you have your destiny in your hands?
What decisions do you make? And that you refuse to be taken for a walk, that you refuse to submit?
All that is worked on, in discourse.
And having one or more personal projects allows you to show women that you are independent and voluntary, so many qualities that appeal to women.
#12 Eat broccoli!
Go to the sport to be on top, two three times a week is a minimum.
And even if it’s only once, start like that. At your own pace.
Stand straight ! Eat better! And sleep well!
With all this, you put the odds on your side to arrive in great shape on your first date, and to make a good impression the first time you meet this girl !
#13 Read a book a week
Or at least one in a month, that will give you things to talk about on that first date.
I know you may find me sadistic and repetitive with these “reading books” stories, but all men who inspire others grow and learn things.
The fact that they are curious makes them exciting. And an exciting man is exactly what women are looking for!
#14 Sexualization is not talking about sex
“What’s your favorite position?” » , « what is your fantasy? are not good questions to gently sexualize.
Sexualizing is the fact of gradually putting a sexy atmosphere in the conversation, in your interaction.
It can be talking about the return of Sex Education on Netflix for example. Or Harley Quinn breaking up with Mister J in Birds of Prey .
Or your roommate who growls when he fucks. Or the Nobel Prize for Literature 2019, suddenly.
If you master the art of conversation, nothing you do will ever be wasted. Everything is useful, everything turns into a captivating story…