10 Techniques To Become A God Of Sex… From The First Night!
How to become a god of sex to ensure from your first night with this new partner?
Giving the full measure of your talent in bed on the first night is not necessarily the most obvious as the inhibitions are numerous — which after all is perfectly understandable, you do not yet know each other that well.
Too bad, the elegant body choreography tinged with dreaminess that you imagined it will be for next time … unless you follow these 10 tips more mindfuck than technique. Not say your neighbors will thank you for it.
1. A sexual intercourse is prepared well before the bedroom
Feminine desire is such that a woman does not magically go from 0 to 100 when you offer to come up to you.
It’s up to you to raise the temperature upstream so that once about to consume the act, your target’s libido is at the same level as yours.
To make him understand that you deserve his time, you have two levers : one explicit, to increase the sexual tension; the other more implicit since it is a question of infusing the right amount of passion and fervor in seemingly rather innocuous subjects (your hobbies, your travels, the meal menu…).
The way you say things matters just as much as what you say : everything is thus a pretext to make him feel that behind your good manners and your well-cut clothes hides an outstanding lover.
Showing added value on a date is good, making women want to sleep with you is better.
2. Prepare the ground
What women call naturalness (or feeling) is anything but natural to us . If for them it is a question of not seeing their emotional continuum hampered by reflection, for us this implies all efforts and attentions, including in bed.
Nothing insurmountable however . For your plan to go off without a hitch, the decor must be set, the logistics ready.
Think about tidying up your apartment, changing the sheets, preparing a playlist, placing condoms and lubricant within easy reach … in short, anything that avoids losing focus on the act itself.
As for the light, the subdued halogen remains the must . Everyone has their little flaws and imperfections, so don’t shine the spotlight on them from the first half. Although you may be comfortable on this point (read more), she may not be as comfortable as you are.
3. Learn to be comfortable with your body
If the aesthetic aspect is obviously to be taken into account, being comfortable with your body does not necessarily mean looking like a fashion engraving.
One because, contrary to what many men think, women do not give that much importance to muscles (girls more, it’s true), and two because a bit like women who attract all eyes, the guys who spend the most time at the gym are often the most self-conscious.
Of course there is a minimum required (impossible to ignore the triptych physical activity / diet / hygiene), but the most important here is to have a certain self-awareness, to be comfortable in movement ( flexibility, balance, reflexes…) — and incidentally to show endurance.
If athletes or dancers are so successful it is not just a question of build.
Boxing, MMA, cast iron, crossfit, salsa or breakdance lessons… the choice of weapons is yours.
4. Make love to her at the right time
Who said that you have to wait until the end of the evening to find yourself horizontal? Of course, nine times out of ten this is indeed the right solution, but the exceptions are worth experiencing.
While women love a surprise and don’t mind being (slightly) abrupt , sometimes the right moment comes without warning.
The very afternoon you accosted her, in the middle of your date, in an alleyway back from a club … there are plenty of opportunities if you put a little of your own (and that the ‘we have condoms on us).
Here again you have to play it fine upstream : by showing yourself very quickly worthy of her trust (what happens between you and she remains between you and her), by flattering her spontaneous side, and above all by assuming your desire (typically the “I want you now” followed by an explicit silence).
5. Have fun!
So yes a needy cunnilingus followed by a doggy style all that is more academic assure you without forcing the average at the end of the night, but absolutely nothing to land a place in his hall of fame .
Sex is first and foremost a fun activity , and should therefore be treated as such. Let’s get on well, it’s not a matter of being funny (laughter and desire go hand in hand in bed), but of celebrating the present moment with no other ulterior motive than to have fun.
In the heat of the moment you will come in and then come out again, banging your head, not always understanding yourself when you change your position… it’s okay it’s cool, no need to make a mountain out of it. A small smile exchanged and off we go .
6. Eye contact, eye contact, eye contact
Ooops, bad example in photo! (And yet, it’s still a good trick known by the best lovers! )
In line with the previous point, the idea here is to build a real bond, a connection . And what better way to do that than watching your partner frolic with the right amount of intensity?
Vector of emotions, the eye here does not lie .
Despite all the dexterity that women show on their own, nothing can replace that moment when everyone is perhaps really looking at each other for the first time , this moment of extreme intimacy where you make her feel that you are really with her.
Special mention when she strips off for the first time in front of you and you continue to stare at her, or the classic look from below when your tongue is in the middle empire.
And if by misfortune, miss did not return the favor to you… read on.
7. Becoming a god of sex is also being directive!
If any initiative is welcome on his part, still consider that it is your responsibility to take charge of your wishes (bis). And to do this, nothing better than gently playing the dictator .
Your choice: intimate your desires in the hollow of his ear (it is very important to lower your voice to be listened to), or, more transgressive, go not without firmness between gesture and speech. Either way don’t ask permission, you’re a man, not a little boy — if she says no, she says no and you move on smoothly.
A confident woman in bed has no problem with being guided by a man , when for some they do not want to be at the mercy of the latter.
However, be careful not to fall into the stupidity with a hazardous choice of vocabulary . To each their own standards of sophistication, but some words are really difficult
8. Alternate virility and sensitivity
Scoop: in humans the most developed sexual organ is… the brain of course . And what better technique to become a god of sex than to combine opposites to return it to him.
Because yes you can chain positions at the speed of a porn movie AND play the role of the delicate and attentive lover during the same part of legs in the air.
The trick is to accentuate this sweet / salty contrast always a little more over the course of your antics (well, you don’t have to be a one-minute man at this time), just to make him lose his mind completely.
Far from dreading this mixture of genres flirting with bipolarity , women are in favor of it. After all, in the same register, do they not shamelessly use the imagery of the Madonna and the whore?
[And what’s better in bed than to treat a lady like a bitch, and a bitch like a lady?]
9. Make her let go
Are not the best shots basically these girls who reveal themselves as the temperature rises? Those who start slowly before finishing completely unleashed?
As people tend to behave the way they are treated , it is up to you to accompany your partner on the path to lust, not by bordering her ex-nihilo with obscenities, but by making her comply with the lust. a game of more suggestive formulas.
Examples: “I adore women like you” , “I feel good to you” , “You seem to like it” …
If she begins to use her repartee, the gesture will then end up naturally allying itself with the word .
That happiness.
One-night stand or relationship in the making, as soon as the action is over, even topo: take it in your arms .
A bit like in a concert where the two moments that mark the most are the entry and exit of the artist, make sure to end on a good note, the impression will inevitably rub off on your entire performance. .
It can always be useful for later: remember that the only really valid feeback to know if you have been good in bed is if she calls you back / comes back to you.
And then misplaced pride aside, cuddling is really cool — especially in men for whom enjoyment tends to make you fall asleep.